The Best Estate Agency Award Winners 7 years running 2018 - 2024

Removal Planning

13 July 2023 Advice for Sellers Moving home advice and guidance

by Hannah Macdonald

Despite the effort that goes into preparing a property for sale, many people overlook the impact of good removal planning, and often leave the packing to the last moment.

Here are a few suggestions that we hope will help you avoid some of the anxieties many people experience during this exciting but sometimes stressful time:

  • Don’t wait until a buyer is found before getting a removal quote. In the same way that you should choose your estate agent with care, talk to several removal firms before deciding, without having to use the only one available on your chosen day.
  • Friday is the most popular day to move house. However, removal companies tend to get booked up, and if there were to be a hiccup, would they work on the Saturday? Even if they would, the van might have been booked out to someone else and not be available to complete your move easily. So aim to move mid-week if at all possible.
  • Completion dates are often agreed before exchange. Once you have a tentative date in mind ask the removal company to pencil in the date, subject to confirmation.
  • You can save a lot of hassle by getting the removers to pack for you. But watch the quality of packing. Do they just put a pile of plates into a box, or do they wrap each one individually? Will they pack clothes in their existing chests/wardrobes etc., thereby saving space, or would they pack into boxes first, possibly at unnecessary cost?
  • To be on the safe side, choose a removal company that is a member of BAR – the British Association of Removers. We’d be happy to put you in touch with one who might also give you a preferred client discount!

Happy moving!